
Oddaję w Twoje ręce moją muzykę. Kilka lat temu, na Malcie, o poranku, usłyszałam ją po raz pierwszy. Pojawiła się w szumie morza. Chlupotała w trakcie pływania z meduzami. Szeptała, gdy zanurzałam stopy w morskiej toni. Milczała, gdy zachwycałam się wizerunkami pierwotnych bogiń. Stała się moją wierną towarzyszką po to, aby spisywać ważne momenty mojego życia. Nadal płynie w mojej głowie i w moim sercu. Nadal chce wzrastać coraz śmielej i coraz głośniej. Dzięki wspaniałym osobom, które pomogły jej zaistnieć, moja muzyka jest tu i teraz, dla Ciebie. Doświadcz dzwięków, które płyną prosto z mojego serca.

Do miłego zasłuchania.

Secret Body

My small secret body
It’s hidden here inside
My small secret body
You wouldn’t recognize

It is so sacred
It is so bruised
It is so spotted
I am confused… confused
It is a fusion of good and bad
It is illusion I’m only that… confused

My small secret body
It’s hidden here inside
My small secret body
You wouldn’t recognize

It is so wise
It is so weak
I’m not so certain
It is complete… complete
It is so see-trough, unrecognized
You’ve never told me it is so wise… so wise…

My small secret body
It’s hidden here inside
My small secret body
You wouldn’t recognize

My small secret body
It’s hidden here instead
Without secret body
I wouldn’t move my head...

Sea for Yourself


Sea is where I come from
Sea is where I’m going back
Sea is where I come from
Sea is where I’m going back
When you wake me up four o’clock
When you wake me up four o’clock
I’m already in your hand
I’m already in your hand

Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself

When I’m laying in I can hear your voice
„Have a joyful life and refresh your toes”

Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself

When I’m swimming in like a jellyfish
There is nothing else for a girl to wish

Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself

When you waken up every four o’clock
There is no time to waste for the calling grace

Hear for yourself
See for yourself
Be for yourself
See for yourself

Sea is inside you were born to life
Like jellyfish and dolphins and oysters and sharks
Sea is inside you were born to life
Like jellyfish and dolphins and oysters and sharks


Sea is where I come from
Sea is where I’m going back
Sea is where I come from
Sea is where I’m going back
Sea for yourself
Sea for yourself
sea… sea… sea...

Looking for the Silence

I will look for the silence
Maybe it’s inside my heart
I will look for the silence
I will stay and gaze a while
I will look for the silence
It’s been here for many years
I will look for my own silence
I will stare at it and stare

I will look for the silence
Looking deeply in its eye
I will look for the silence
Even though I rush my mind
I will look for the silence
It’s been always here inside
I will look for my own silence
Loving deep you never part

I`m There

Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there

Blood of my blood
Thigh of my thigh
Fearless and brave
We’re standing hand in hand

Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there

Letting go the effort
Leaving it behind
Cause nothing will be
As it could be in your mind

Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there

I’ve learned how to dance
And how to be smooth
I see you in my eyes
And in every tiny move

Everywhere you are I’m there

This is outrageous
And you are just fine
I am a mystery
Of being just on time

Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there

Listen, my sister,
You have been just told
Never give up
And always be bold

Everywhere you are I’m there
Everywhere you are I’m there

Therefore my brother
Don’t be afraid
Doing the first step
Is never a shame

Everywhere you are I’m there

I’m there


It started long ago
It started far away
I haven’t had a chance
To take a glipse at my heart
The place is just long gone
It’s not even there
I’m sure it stayed untouched, unsolved
Half sleeping, half awake
With burning mind
This is the moment last
To be a humankind

Kindly asking you to be a human
Kindly asking you to be a humankind
Kindly asking you to be a human
Kindly asking you to be a humankind

I’m shaken all inside
I am confused
I think you just forgot
I make mistakes
I don’t know half the words
I feel like blind
This is the moment last
To be a humankind

Kindly asking you to be a human
Kindly asking you to be a humankind
Kindly asking you to be a human
Kindly asking you to be a humankind

For the sake of you
Trust in what is true
For the sake of me
Trust and leave it to be

I gave up all the chance
To figure how
Delate all in my head
What can’t be delated
I just breathe in and out
No need to fight
For it’s the moment last
To be a humankind

Kindly asking you to be a human
Kindly asking you to be a humankind
Kindly asking you to be a human
Kindly asking you to be a humankind

Lena Majewska: muzyka, teksty, śpiew
Jan Kłoczko: aranżacje, gitara, kontrabas

Realizacja dzwięku: Studio MTS
Fotografia na okładkę: Anna Kowalewska - Rude Oko
Projekt okładki: Michał Olszewski

Jeżeli moja muzyka rezonuje z Tobą, nie wahaj się napisać do mnie. Jeżeli masz propozycję współpracy, chętnie o niej usłyszę. Razem poszukajmy przestrzeni do współdziałania.

Oprócz koncertów jestem otwarta na warsztaty teatralno-muzyczne. Moim ’spécialité de la maison’ jest ‘Warsztat kołysankowy’, gdzie ośmielam rodziców, by śpiewali swoim dzieciom.

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© Lena Majewska Humankind 2024